Display Tips for Wire Signs

Perfectly positioning your sign is all part of creating the Little Cloud magic in your home! Here’s what you need to know.

Rainbows, shooting stars and hoops can rest on a shelf or be hung on a small nail or command hook.

Knit and Liberty words can be displayed as follows:


Most Little Cloud signs look wonderful both sitting on a shelf or hung upon bedroom walls or doors. However, please note, it is not possible for names with lowercase letters f, g, j, p, q or y to be displayed on a flat surface due to the shape of their designs. This does not apply to the capital letters.

Due to their light design, all our wire signs can easily rest against accessories or walls without causing any damage. 


  • When it comes to hanging a Little Cloud sign, The most discrete option is to hang them using a couple of tiny nails (not supplied) and hook 2 of the letters directly onto these. It's most secure if you hang the first and last letter where possible.
  • To position, simply hold your sign where you’d like to hang it and use a pencil to mark the wall where the nails need to go.
  • Alternatively, you can hang your sign with washi tape or by hooking it up with self-adhesive fairy light command hooks (available on Amazon and in most DIY stores).
  • For safety reasons, please ensure you hang the sign far from the reach of little hands and away from cots.



For more ideas on displaying your Little Cloud treasures, why not see how other families have hung theirs? Discover the wonderful spaces our products have been tagged in here.

Don’t forget, if you’d like to share photos of your items in their new home, please tag @littlecloud.kids on Instagram or send a pic directly to contact@little-cloud.co.uk

It brings me so much joy to see your special purchases in place!